Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ahoy!!! Big Boy is 1

Ahoy! This big guy turned 1! We planned a nautical themed party for him. I thought it would be perfect for spring (when I was planning in January). However, apparently the weather was not on my side!

Outfit from Gymboree

When it comes to weather for parties, if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. I was optimistic two weeks before the party. The extended forecast for party day was 63 and sunny! A beautiful day in April in the Chicagoland area. However as it got closer to the party, it was looking grim. Turns out the weather man was wrong! They were saying 32 and snow! So we had a back up plan...
Yes! that is snow on the bottom right!

 A tent. Thankfully my mom came up with the idea and the funds (best mom ever)! So then we had to re-plan the set up of the party but I think it turned out well!

photo wall and appetizers.

I created this photo wall from all photos I took from Wyatt's 1st year. Each one had a title card, his monthly chalkboard picture and then some of my favorites. The appetizer table was placed right when people walked in and all were "sea" themed snacks. We also had themed tables for dessert and drinks.


Centerpieces were a work in progress. The buckets were used from my son's Baptism and I repurposed them by tying a sailor's knot out of twine. The picks were pieced together from items I got at either JoAnn Fabrics or Hobby Lobby. I learned the hard way after the baptism, that you need to add sand or the tip real easily.
Birthday Boy loved his cake. His father gave him utensils to really dig into the cake. I made the highchair decoration from ribbon I got a Hobby Lobby!
Happy Birthday Big Boy! I cannot wait to celebrate another year with you!


I have heard horror stories about the terrible twos. It made me nervous! However in our house two came and we were doing ok... Until about two months ago. As we approach my daughter's third birthday it was like she changed over night! She has always been stubborn and strong-willed but it is now magnified. Apparently we enter the "threenager" stage. Let me tell you the sass is real with this small one!

I saw this Blog  by Kristen Hewitt "10 signs you are living with a threenager" and they were all true! I'm hoping she will depart this stage quick because it is a rough one! Makes me nervous for the actual teenage years! The only saving grace I am sticking with is a saying my mom says. "They always give you a few bad years, hope it's 3 and not 17!" I'm praying it's three!

Mama's out there what do you do to deal with this?