Monday, February 1, 2016

Kitchen Chalkboard

I love chalkboards... probably because before I was a SHM I was a teacher. I have a chalkboard that I made from the tutorial from one of my favorite bloggers Jessica Garvin (find it here). I have used my chalkboard for monthly belly shots and now do monthly shots of my babies.
Example of my chalkboard

However, I wanted a hanging one for my kitchen that didn't cost a fortune. Ensue a trip to Menard's. Where I found a piece of 2x2 birch for less than $2! My only suggestions is to lay the board on the floor to make sure it doesn't curl. Then it was home to paint, drill two holes and tie a pretty ribbon. The project was super quick, easy and cheap! I couldn't wait to hang it! Waiting for the paint to dry was the worse!

The finished product

Hope that was helpful! Does anyone else love chalkboards as much as I do?!?