Friday, March 14, 2014

Baby Shoes

What is it about baby shoes? I love them! I maybe slightly obsessed with them. There is just something about little miniature shoes, especially when they are similar to adult styles. That being said, I am guilty of purchasing a few to many.
Little Girl's shoe collection

However, after buying these, I come across some issues...  The biggest one is getting them on my daughter's feet. She hates shoes! Putting them on it a fight. She curls her toes and the second they are on, she rubs her feet together. She rubs, rubs, rubs and the they come flying  off. With the success of getting the shoes off she flashes the biggest smile!  She does the same with socks. Although, I have a preference to be barefoot as well, I do love my shoes! I am hoping she also begins this love affair as well!

Although keeping them on is a challenge in it is own, I have an issue with buying them. I know what you are thinking and looking at all those shoes I think you are about to call bullsh*t on that one but it is true. I have an issue because Miss Violet Grace has the smallest feet ever! They are tiny! This is funny because I have very large feet. I think she wore newborn size shoes until she was 3 months old. Now at 9 1/2 months she finally moved into baby size 2! I know she doesn't need shoes but they do make ever outfit that much cuter. As she begin to walk, she will need shoes and I hope I can find some with normal bottoms so she doesn't slip!

- Rebecca

The never ending bathroom project

I swore I would never be that person. You know, that person that would let a project go on in her home for an extended period of time. Well, I was wrong! Dead wrong!

Tiny Old Bathroom

Let's go back in time to October of 2009... when my then fiance was demoing the kitchen in our newly purchased home. He and his brother decided it was a great idea to demo the basement as well. It made sense they told me. It would get done right after then kitchen they said. Well here we are almost 5 years later, two floods, countless deadline, a few ultimatums and a baby and it is finally done! Well the bathroom part of the basement at least... I am hoping/demanding for the rest to be as well real soon!

I know what you are thinking... that is what happens when you say never. However, despite it taking 5 years, I love the completed project. It is very modern, which is out of my comfort zone but that is right up my husband's alley. Since, I am making this his bathroom for the most part, I thought it should be more masculine and modern.
Finished Product

It has the largest shower I have ever seen and am hoping our hot water take will be up to the test! It has multiple body sprayers and an over head rain shower. It  also has a niche and a very large bench.

work in progress

Niche and Bench

There are still a few things that have to be done. Decorating for one! Which I will be doing very soon. But also, my husband is insisting  that there will be a t.v. in there. He has already has the outlet and cable line installed! Men!